Pinnacle Presbyterian Church

Echoes (of the Word)


The Season of Advent sounds the note of expectancy and reminds us that dreams do come true. During this season the church remembers how the greatest dream in the history of humankind became reality.

“O Come, O Come Emmanuel!” says the hymn writer. Those words express the hopes of the prophets and faithful people who dreamed of the day when God would send the promised Messiah.

The Messiah came. The Savior was born. “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” (John 1:14) We look back to the birth of Jesus during Advent and we are reminded that the eternal God stepped onto the stage of human history. We are also reminded that Jesus is present with us in the here and now. "I am with you always", He promised. (Matthew 28:20) The message of Advent also reminds us to look to the future when the Kingdom of God will be fully and completely revealed.

Christ has come and Christ will someday come again. Because Jesus came to make a dream of old come true, we can join hands with Him in keeping the vision alive that God is working out God's purposes in the world. We are not alone in life. The Savior who came to visit and redeem His people offers new life and a new way to everyone who seeks Him. Bring your vision and your dreams to the Lord this Advent, and wait with expectancy for the Christ to be born anew in your life and in the life of the church.