Pinnacle Presbyterian Church

Echoes (of the Word)

We're in Good Hands...

As I write this, we’re in the thick heat of summer, July is slowing our pace down, and I’m preparing to take a medical leave of absence. So many details to work out, anticipate and plan for, and find the right people to bring all these ideas and plans to life. Am I worried? Nope! And do you know why? We are blessed to have a wonderful, caring, and supportive network of PPC members and friends who are willing to pitch in at a moment’s notice.

By the time you’re reading this, the new program year has begun - Children’s Church School has kicked off, POW! has started, Club 45 is underway, and we’re madly planning for a slew of events in October. Although I’m not here as a part of these festivities of faith, I have faith that everything is running along as planned, that children are excited to be in church, they’re still running up the main aisle after the Children’s Message each Sunday (have you ever seen children so excited for Sunday School?), and we are continuing to reach out, inviting people to our church, bringing them closer to God.
One of the best things about our church is the sense of community - and that is a blessing to me right now. I am home, doing my best to heal as quickly and smoothly as possible. To know that so many people have offered to reach out - whether through actions, prayers, kind words, or silent thoughts - that has been a personal answer to my prayers. I miss working with you, my friends, and colleagues, and it is giving me a great sense of peace to know that many hands make light work - and there are many hands tending to the needs of our children right now.
How can you help? Pray for our children….offer to lead a class for just 45 minutes on a Sunday…grill some burgers and dogs on a Wednesday evening for POW!…teach a class of 1st and 2nd graders during the week…or set up/clean up our rooms on Sunday mornings. There’s no shortage of ways to be involved…from working on the sidelines and behind the scenes to leading children on their journey to know Christ. Our community is strong with the love and support everyone gives - and I truly thank you for that!