Pinnacle Presbyterian Church

Echoes (of the Word)

The Zimmermans: Visible and Viable

A sad commentary on our society is the fact that many older people feel “invisible.”  One older person remarked, “I realized that when I walk down the street, younger people simply don't see me.  Not a glance, not a smile, none of the customary, friendly gestures we're used to in our younger days.  It was as if I actually disappeared from the sight of people much younger than I.” Some senior adults fear ridicule, so they refuse to mention their growing sense of becoming invisible.

Do we live in a youth fixated culture where people are afraid to age for fear of being vulnerable or dismissed?  Are all of our ideals of attractiveness associated with youth?

There are benefits to aging.  As we grow older, we seem to learn what to take seriously, and when to let go.  We spend less time sweating the small stuff, and more time being grateful.  We are able to focus on what is important to us and to do new things that bring joy to our lives.  Friends and family become our treasure.

Each year the Presbytery honors the contribution of one or two senior adults in each church.  This year Pinnacle Presbyterian will be saying HIP HIP HOORAY and THANK YOU to CORY AND GARY ZIMMERMAN.

During their twenty-four years as members, the Zimmermans have made a huge contribution to Pinnacle Presbyterian Church.  Gary has assisted the operation of the church as Chair of the Finance Committee and Elder.  Cory has extended welcome and warmth as a Deacon, preparing the communion table, ushering, and lending her organizational skills to kitchen order and clean up and pew duty.  Committed to beauty, the Zimmermans have been part of the Sanctuary Palm Sunday and Easter Art Project, nurturing newly planted trees on the campus, tending to the water feature in the Memorial Garden, and carefully placing decorations and Christmas and Easter flowers in the sanctuary. For seventeen years, Cory and Gary made a joyful noise as part of the Pinnacle Choir.

Both Cory and Gary have been welcoming faces at Pinnacle, serving as ushers, participating in the rummage sale, and welcoming people to the concert series.  One of their most appreciated gifts has been their gracious preparation and serving of dinner for the choir between concerts on the evening of "The Celebration of Christmas.  They were also chairpersons of Pinnacle's 25th anniversary dinner celebration.

Cory and Gary are Legacy Circle members, and have invested in the new generation of members by donating furniture for the nursery.

Sometimes it's hard to locate the Zimmermans, because they are often off traveling the world on cruises, airplanes or by car.  Other times they are off hiking or don't hear the phone because they are busy with landscaping projects in their yard or they are swimming in the pool.  They also might be wandering around community art fairs, dining out, or creating unique art projects that utilize desert saguaro spines and feathers from South Dakota pheasants.

As if this weren't impressive enough, they have also volunteered at the airport assisting travelers, participated in a community choir that entertains in assisted living facilities, and they might be seen along the highways of Scottsdale picking up trash.

Hip, hip, horray, indeed, for these wonderful senior servants who glorify God and add so much to us and to the world around them.

And the message of their lives is this:  We need to take care not to treat our important senior population as invisible no matter what our age or physical condition.  Take an extra moment to say thank you to the Zimmermans and to acknowledge the other seniors in our midst.  I say “our,” because I am one of the seniors in your midst!!!

In this season of Thanksgiving, I am writing to thank you on behalf of people you will probably never meet. In the past month, I have delivered over 1,000 books to the library system for the Arizona Department of Corrections, and many of these books have come from you.

There are several things about your gifts that have spiritual significance and are deserving of focus and appreciation. There is a clear Biblical mandate that we visit the prisoner, and you have responded to that by offering Arizona inmates hours of respect and companionship through reading your shared books. We are also asked to give anonymously, and I have been very touched to open my office door and see large boxes and bags of books placed there anonymously with the clear understanding they will be delivered to the prisons in Arizona.

The fact of the matter is inmates are not a “popular” or “trendy” focus for philanthropy or even compassion. Many people have the opinion “lock 'em up and throw away the key.” Therefore, there are virtually no donations to the prison libraries and there are no state funds available to replenish empty shelves. Jesus reminds us that we are to visit the prisoner and to consider them part of our spiritual family.

The law of the land states that incarceration, or separation from society, is in and of itself the punishment for conviction of a crime. Once incarcerated, inmates are paying the price for their misdeeds. Jesus reminds us that it is not our place to condemn, judge or dismiss our wider church, and Jesus reminds us that prisons are our wider church.

From a compassionate point of view, we share a big wide world of reading when we donate our books, and many of us consider reading to be a spiritual experience. Interestingly, the staff of the Department of Corrections considers it a security issue, because they view an inmate who is reading as an inmate who is not causing trouble. Either view is evidence of the importance of books being available to inmates.

The reading level of inmates is from the inability to read to Ph.D.. Some inmates have read every book in their prison library, and some inmates read to others who are illiterate. Some inmates find what they read to be life changing and others simply escape for a few hours while enjoying a good yarn. Some inmates find employment in prison libraries. Most of the books are used until they fall apart.

I thank all of you who have shared your books. Books are friends, and offer invaluable companionship. You have reached out and created relationships with strangers, and you have followed Jesus' mandate to visit the prisoner. On behalf of each inmate who opens your books, I thank you.

If you would care to donate books to the Arizona Department of Corrections libraries, just leave them in the office, and I will deliver them personally. For your generosity, I give thanks, and wish you all the blessings of the Thanksgiving season.