Congregational Care is central to the ministry at PPC and is grounded in the church’s affirmation that we belong to God and to one another. We come together as a body to give thanks for God’s claim on our lives and to commit to love and serve one another after the example of Jesus Christ.

The vision for Congregational Care at Pinnacle is a collaboration between teaching and ruling elders, drawing on the resources and gifts of members and the wider community taking a team-based approach to the care of the whole person. As leaders in the church, we need your eyes, ears, and gifts so that every member of the congregation in need of care is tended to. 

Stephen Ministry

Our congregation’s Stephen Ministry equips lay people to provide confidential, one-to-one Christian care to individuals in our congregation and community who are experiencing difficulties in their lives. Click here for more information.

Pastoral Care List

A confidential list of those in the congregation experiencing acute pastoral care needs, situations of grief, loss, or transitions is reviewed weekly by pastors and program staff. If you are aware of members who would benefit from being added to this list, please contact Lisa Boswell at 480-585-9448 ext. 212 or email.

Prayer List

A weekly prayer list is sent to pastors, deacons, and members who have expressed an interest in being a part of the prayer chain ministry at PPC. The week’s most recent prayer requests appear in the weekly Sunday bulletin. If you would like to be a part of this prayer ministry or have a concern to be added to this list, please contact Lisa Boswell at 480-585-9448 ext. 212 or email.

Pastoral Visits

Pinnacle pastors are always available to meet with families in need of home or hospital visits during various stages of life or illness. Privacy rules do not allow the hospital to contact the church when members are admitted. If you or a family member is hospitalized or if a loved one has died, please contact the church office (480-585-9448). There is always a pastor on call for things that occur after hours or when the church office is closed.

Pastoral Counseling

Pinnacle pastors are available to meet with members who need to talk about their life circumstances and spiritual needs. The clergy also have lists of counselors when a referral is needed.