Pinnacle Presbyterian Church

Echoes (of the Word)

Forty-two years ago this month, I was ordained in the United Church of Christ. As much as we like to tell amusing tales about this period of time in the history of women in the United States, these were very painful and confusing times for those of us who were “firsts” in our professional callings.

Please recall that women of my generation were raised:

  • To wear white gloves.
  •  Never to beat a man at sports
  • Never to express an opinion.
  • To be subordinate.
  • To find our worth in our attractiveness to men.
  • To attend college for the purpose of finding a husband.
  • Not to worry our “pretty little heads” about such matters as theology or politics.
  • To act within the prescribed dictates of etiquette and “ladylike behavior.”

The vocations open to women were nursing, teaching, secretarial; all honorable callings, but narrow in scope, and always trumped by the role of wife and mother. Some women thrived in this world, but others yearned for a different experience, because they had a different calling.

Fast forward to the 1960's when our country was struggling with human rights, and the Civil Rights Movement and the Women's Movement were becoming headlines in the National News. Enter a young woman from Iowa who dropped out of college to join VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America), and her whole world view was changed. She felt called to follow the footsteps of Dr. Martin Luther King, and to enter the ministry. That young woman is now a much older woman who serves as your Assisting Pastor for Senior Ministries.

In the 60's, women were not present in the ministry in the middle west or the western states, and you could almost hear strains of “How Do We Solve a Problem Like Maria?” when I entered seminary, and the astonishment continued through much of my career...amusing to many, but often painful to me as I was just trying to be faithful to my call.

Fast forward over 40 years, and you find me applying to Pinnacle Presbyterian Church. As I met for the first time with the selection committee, I was acutely aware that I did not meet any preconception they might have for the position, for ministry, for Pinnacle Presbyterian Church. After all, I was not even Presbyterian, had spent most of my ministry working with the poor and the disenfranchised, and I lean more toward art than Ivy League.

Enter on the selection committee one Paul Rooker...a retired military man face to face with a Flower Child. God always has a sense of humor, and God's humor was quite evident during this meeting. Something very spiritual and very special took place when Paul and I met, because he not only accepted me, but reached out in love and encouragement, and has never wavered in his support of my ministry. The first people I look for when I am in the pulpit are Linda and Paul Rooker, because I know if they are there, it will be ok. Paul showed me the ropes from everything to where we have our meetings to who could be of help in each situation. His instruction was always with a loving heart and helpful vision. Upon reflection, our connection is not at all odd, because we have both been driven all our lives by an abiding, deep and committed faith in a God who is full of delightful surprises. I hold out hope that this same God will continue to form surprising and serendipitous alliances among the faithful. Paul's presence has made all the difference for me, and with a grateful heart, I say, “Thank you Paul Rooker.”

What can separate us from God’s love? Can trouble, suffering and hard times, or hunger and nakedness, or danger and death? No! Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from God’s love for us in Christ Jesus our Lord!  (Romans 8)

There are days in our lives when we all need EN-COURAGE-MENT.  Sometimes the rainfall brings nourishment to the soul and freshness to life. Other days it seems to wash away hope and we fear the sun will never shine again. Same rain. Different soul.

The beauty of life in Christ is this… no matter what our circumstances, or how we interpret them, NOTHING can separate us from God’s love. Encouragement is only one of the many blessings we receive as children of God when Jesus is our Lord. 

Paul reminded “all the saints in Christ Jesus at Philippi” of some of these blessings: 

….encouragement from being united with Christ,
comfort from His love,
...fellowship with the Spirit,
...tenderness and compassion…

Paul then enjoined them to make his joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose.

As pilgrims on the journey of life, along a path often punctuated with potholes, God calls us to follow the example of Jesus. What we discover when we attempt to exemplify Christ is this: when we live in love, God lives in us, and God’s love is made complete in us (1John 4). However, when we don’t realize God’s love in us, we are without hope, we have no compassion or comfort and anxiety becomes our companion. We feel alone. Our solitude brings us no solace. We are deceived into thinking that we are on our own on life’s journey. But the One who laid down His life for us, who knows how it feels to be deserted and forsaken, perceives our pain and discerns our doubt. Jesus visits us in our loneliness, breaks through the isolation and is present to breathe new life into our souls. This is the promise of Easter! 

It’s because of this promise that we have hope, even if God seems distant. I believe the human soul yearns to be one with God and undivided from God’s love, whether we recognize it or not.  Jesus journeyed to Jerusalem, laid down His life, and got up on Easter to establish a new covenant. Next week, as WE make our journey from Palm Sunday to Easter, stopping along the way at the Last Supper and ultimately witnessing the agony of Christ’s crucifixion, may we yet be en-couraged knowing that Jesus journeys with us…both now and eternally. For NOTHING can EVER separate us from God’s love—What an amazing PROMISE!!!