Pinnacle Presbyterian Church

Echoes (of the Word)

CNN, NBC, the Wall Street Journal, and the New York Times have all covered this significant topic in their reporting - the fast food restaurant Subway is making changes. You may remember last year Subway initiated a competition where if folks changed their name to “Subway” they would get free sandwiches “for life”. Nearly 10,000 people entered this competition. And if you have been in a Subway lately you've probably noticed some big menu changes. 

Ok…where is this going…

High school students were a big deal to a young middle school Brandon. They seemed so much older than me. They had their driver's licenses and some even had jobs (dang!). In youth group, our middle and high school students would sometimes join together for a special activity or lesson. One of the high school students, Patrick, worked at Subway. Patrick shared something about his job that I have not forgotten. He said he would get to the restaurant a couple of hours before it opened to prep the line with all the meats and toppings for the day. He spent much time in the back of the restaurant chopping vegetables. Patrick used that time in the back of the restaurant to talk to God. He would bring up random topics but always trusted that God was listening. Like most high schoolers, Patrick was a busy guy. Chopping vegetables and talking with God was a Sabbath moment for him. 

In the midst of busy schedules, what does the Sabbath look like in your life today? A Sabbath can happen at any time in big ways and small. My Sabbath at this moment may look like going to Subway and ordering an Italian BMT, toasted of course.