This teacher is an artist not an art teacher and knows the potential in many media materials. The Atelierista is a special teacher that welcomes children's ideas and ongoing projects. At the Atelier, children try to figure out and explore many different ways to do things through art expression.

The Atelierista, as well as the other teachers, recognizes that children are born with thousands of ideas and have hundreds of languages of expression. These languages might include, painting, singing, building, taking apart, or drawing, the possibilities are endless. In the Atelier, it is our goal to provide as many of these languages as possible and to be open to the possibility of many, many more.

The Hundred Languages of Children Exhibit

This exhibit is a collection of children's work, documentation, and photographs that represent the many different languages that children use to express their creativity and what they know about themselves and the world around them.

The exhibit speaks to the world about children's infinite wealth of potential, their ability to wonder and investigate their ability to co-construct their knowledge through active and original relational processes. Moreover, the exhibit highlights as clearly as possible the image of the child and the evolution of the educational research that was and continues to be developed in the infant-toddler centers and preschools of Reggio Emilia, Italy.

To learn more about this traveling exhibit - click here.

First conceived by Loris Malaguzzi and his closest associates, this exhibit is rooted in the forty years of experience of the educational institutions operated by the Municipality of Reggio Emilia.

The exhibit bears witness to the originality and the extraordinary nature of the years of research that have led the Reggio infant-toddler centers and preschools. This exhibit has become a primary point of reference for those who work in early childhood education worldwide.