Pinnacle Presbyterian Church

Echoes (of the Word)


The month of February brings my heart to the joy of love.  I have wonderful loves in my life, and one in particular comes to mind.  My grandmother, Patricia Ann, showed me what true love feels like.  She loved her husband through laughter and glances that we would all catch just by being in the same room as the two of them.  She had 6 children, the oldest, my father, and she loved each of them uniquely.  She had 25 grandchildren, I the oldest girl, and I admire the way she loved each of us.  She was kind and smart and worked very hard at everything she did.  She was tall and thin and sometimes I can still hear her voice and smell her perfume.  My dear Grandma Pat died when I was in college, but she instilled the compassion and love I try to share today.

When I think of true love and how that love makes us feel, I remember 1John 4:19; We love, because He first loved us.  Jesus taught us how to feel love and how to give love.  We share love through our actions, using His spirit to touch others.  Recently, I visited UMOM with a group of Pinnacle Women’s Fellowship members and we saw true love.  Staff and volunteers serve homeless families in our area and the love we felt was overwhelming.  155 families living in the short-term 120 day shelter housing which offers meals, shelter, training for job skills, money management, and compassion. 

Serving the community offers true love.  Giving, sharing, listening, and learning is a wonderful way to feel love.  My prayer for you today is to remember, feel & share true love.  Lots of love from me today, and always.